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Developing Your Functional Filing System

Superior Chart & Storage

Having an office run efficiently requires a functional, well organized, document, X ray, medical, or general storage filing system.

Every office needs its own custom filing system. When you develop your filing system, you need to find answers to a couple of questions

What system will work best for your facility or practice?

Choosing the correct Medical Records Chart folder or Chart Binder

Superior Chart & Storage offers one of the most comprehensive lines of Medical Record File folders, Custom folders, and Medical Ring Binders. We offer many varieties of Color-coded kardex compatible filing supplies for easy filing and retrieval. We also manufacture Custom Medical Classification folders and colorscan folders. It is important to understand your document management needs, including Patient Chart Folder expansion or Ring Binder Spine width requirements when choosing which product will work best for your facility.

Define file categories.

The idea is to simplify your chosen filing system in order for it to be easily understood and to also create a system that can work quickly and efficiently in your work space environment. It is best to make it simple alpha label, numeric label, and/or color code label system to categorize, then file alphabetically or numerically.

Consider color-coding each major category.

This makes it simple to find files at a glance and to group them. Kardex Alpha or Kardex Numeric Folders allow for this system to be quickly implemented. This system type simplifies and can work for any industry. The human quickly recognizes color quicker than any other filing system. Color coding folders also also allows for recognition from greater distances. Color coding coupled with Custom Medical Chart folders using alpha and/or numeric labeling really allows the office to quickly retrieve and return to file Medical Records. This increases Chart Filing accuracy, efficiency, and decreases workplace frustration and errors.

Designate an Urgent File System

Certain situations arise in a Medical, Hospital or Business office that require immediate action. A sense of urgency can more readily create errors, therefore it is necessary to create an urgent color coded, urgent labeling., or chart flag system as well

Seek Expert Advice

Contact Superior Chart & Storage for more information and ideas on planning your office’s Chart filing system. We are experts in the field of Document Management, Document Storage systems, and helping you to engineer the system that will work best for your needs and facility.


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