Medical Records Filing Cabinets
Superior Chart & Storage offers a large variety of document management chart filing storage cabinets. We manufacture medical chart locking cabinets from 1 to 8 filing shelves for medical charts,. We offer all-size stackable file cabinets with a large amount of storage capacity for your medical storage, rotary filing cabinets which can double your patient chart storage capacity or a smaller file storage cabinet with a laminated worktop. Superior Chart & Document Storage has a medical records file cabinet to fit every need and budget in order to keep your medical records and health information safe and secure.
The Superior Chart & Storage, HIPAA compliant medical cabinets are equipped with a central key locking system, securing patient charts The records storage is available with a smaller footprint if you have limited space.
SKU # LFC - Locking File Cabinet
Fully retractable, a flip-up door
Dual-point lock
Gang locking when stacked
Roomy inner cabinet
Adjustable file dividers
An optional retractable posting shelf
Cabinets 1 to 6 levels high ship fully assembled, 7 high units ship in 2 sections
AVAILABLE in 24, 30,36, and 42 inch widths