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What is the difference between a binder cabinet and a paper chart or file cabinet?

Binder cabinets are engineered with a higher clearance shelf to shelf.

The shelves are manufactured to accommodate greater size and weight.

File cabinets can be a lateral reach in cabinets or flipper door configuration.

The paper chart file cabinets have less clearance from shelf to shelf, offering more openings at a lower height.

Why should I purchase medical-grade products?

Our medical-grade products have a greater durability rating which means that your facility is getting products that will last longer.  This will increase your facility efficiency and cut down on the frustration that sometimes accompanies using faulty, lesser quality products.

Our medical-grade products are specifically designed to make your daily tasks, and rounds easier.

How do I determine the proper amount or style of shelving?

There are a few questions that will need to be answered in order to determine how much shelving you will need.

What are you storing?  Binders?  File folders? An assortment of supplies? Maybe X-rays?

A method to help determine your required filing space is to measure 3 feet of files/folders and count the number of charts.  A simple calculation from here can aid you in determining your average chart thickness.  Once you have that information you are ready to move forward.


What are the dimensions of my filing room or filing space?

Do you have any room restrictions, such as light switches, power outlets, or sprinklers?

Do my charts need to be stored in accordance with HIPAA compliance guidelines?

These basic questions will start the process of determining what document storage solution may work best.  Please also take the opportunity to contact Superior Chart & Storage for a no-obligation, free consultation


Why do I need expansion in my chart folders?


An appropriate expansion folder will allow the patient chart to grow with the amount of care provided.

The expansion can collapse and expand depending on the volume of the contents.  Therefore, the folder will only be as thick as the documents inside the folder.


The expansion allows for documents to fit securely inside of the folder, rest easy and not ride up, allowing for cleaner, more efficient storage

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